IEP, Inc. has a unique, comprehensive, and collaborative team approach to providing educational services. Our team include: school psychologists, assistive technology specialists, Spanish/English translator, recreational wellnesss consultant, and former principal and director of curriculum and instruction. All our educational evaluations utilize a team concept.
Dr. Turner, president of IEP, Inc., is a Licensed Educational Psychologist (#2966), Consulting Psychologist (APA), former Special Education Director and lead school psychologist, Certified Mediator (State Bar of California), author, private pilot, Marine combat veteran, and adjunct college professor. He was a middle and high school teacher and guidance counselor. This site has information about services and publications provided by IEP, Inc. including educational evaluations, professional development, and resources for school psychologists, special education teachers, administrators and parents.
Specializing in dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, extreme behaviors, and autism
Talk with us before contacting your school district. We are excited to collaborate on your student’s Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE). Before making your decision, please schedule a phone call. We can answer questions and begin planning assessments, interviews, and observations aligning with your student’s unique needs. When you are involved, everything goes more smoothly. Reach out by scheduling a phone call. We're here to help and look forward to hearing from you.