Life is creating experiences worth sharing.

Psychology, Special Education, Travel, Eclectic


It Was the Wurst of Times and the Best of Food

Welcome, fellow sausage enthusiasts, curious foodies, and those bewildered at the meat counter. If you picked up this book, you are likely wondering, “What’s all the fuss about wursts?” After all, in a world teeming with culinary creations, it takes something truly special to dedicate an entire book to sausage. And believe me—wurst is as special as it gets.

It contains a comprehensive history of twenty-two wursts. In addition, it has three recipes for each wurst with a suggested side dish, and beverage pairings of two beers and two wines to complement each dish, offering a total of sixty-six carefully curated meals. It is the “wurst” cookbook ever produced of all thing’s sausage!

Preview of Chapter 5 - Bratwurst

Physics Laboratory Manual

Physics is our human attempt to explain the workings of the world. The success of that attempt is evident in the technology of our society. You have already developed your own physical theories to understand the world around you. Some of these ideas are consistent with accepted theories of physics while others are not. This laboratory manual is designed, in part, to help you recognize where your ideas agree with those accepted by physics and where they do not. It is also designed to help you become a better physics problem solver. 102 pages.

Free Chapter - Coulomb’s Law Lab

Podcast about book

You are presented with contemporary physical theories in lecture and in your textbook. In the laboratory you will apply the theories to real-world problems by comparing your application of those theories with reality. You will clarify your ideas by: answering questions and solving problems before you come to the lab; performing experiments and having discussions with classmates in the lab; and writing lab reports after you leave. Each laboratory has a set of problems that ask you to make decisions about the real world. As you work through the problems in this laboratory manual, remember the goal is not to make lots of measurements. The goal is to examine your ideas about the real world.

Dear Marine and Parents,

As you prepare to embark on your first deployment, I want to share a reflection of my own experience. It's a journey etched in my memory, and I hope by reading this, it will offer you some insight, clarity, and perhaps even a touch of comfort as you face the unknown.

To the parents of this brave Marine, I know the thoughts of your son or daughter deploying are overwhelming. You may have heard stories, imagined scenarios, and worried endlessly about their safety. I understand your hearts are heavy with concern. I want you to know I've been there too, both as a Marine and as a son. I hope this account of my first Gulf War deployment provides you with a glimpse into the life they will lead in the coming months.

Marine, you are about to embark on a journey that will test your strength, courage, and resilience in ways you cannot yet fully grasp. It's a path filled with challenges and uncertainties, but it's also one that will shape you into the warrior you were meant to be. I hope my words help you form realistic expectations, balance hope and fear, as you serve your country.

For those of you currently separated from your loved ones, my heart goes out to you. The distance can be painful. When you finally reunite, whether in weeks or months, I encourage you to share your experiences. Perhaps my story can be a starting point for those conversations, a way to bridge the gap between Marine and family.

My greatest wish is this account offers you healing, a sense of normalcy and the confidence that others have been where you are and returned. Combat changes us all, but with understanding and support, we find our way back to peace. Remember, your loved ones are standing with you, and making sacrifices for a cause in which they believe. May this bring you closer together and remind you of the incredible strength that resides within the Marine Corps family.

Stay strong, stay safe, and may your journey lead you back home, just as mine did.

Semper Fidelis,
Jerry Turner
Former Sergeant, USMC

P.S. Confronting our own fear is akin to a tactical reconnaissance of the soul. It's in this encounter we uncover our truest self, revealing the strength and resilience that defines our character.

Free Chapter

On Target

A 114 page guide to optimizing life using only research based interventions. These are interventions scientifically study to make significant changes when implemented.

Which Way to Go

The Foundation for Living consists of three volumes: • A Light Unto Our Path • How We Got Here • Which Way To Go: This series builds ito develop a foundational understanding of the Christian faith. Volume One provides a 192 page general overview of bibical events, chronology, and organization. Volume Two is an overview of Church history, beliefs, and worship. Using the understandings developed from the first two volumes, foundations are laid to develop approaches and processes for ethical decision-making in Volume Three. Developed for use at an Episcopal school, Unit III of Volume 3 has a particularly Anglican/Episcopal nature. Parts or all of Unit III of Volume 3 may be omitted for those wanting a more generic and more general approach to Christian ethics. The series is appropriate for middle school or high school use. The volumes may be used individually, but are most effectively used in sequence to develop a foundation for living.

Free Chapter - What is Ethics

Intergrated Science, Physics Module

This 156 page book is a nine-week physics module to be incorporated into an yearlong integrated science course. It begins with an introduction to physics, scientific method, and metric system. It continues through the concepts of velocity, acceleration, Newton’s laws, work, energy, power, momentum, and collisions. The unit ends with an introduction to simple harmonic motion and the properties of waves. There are four laboratory experiments which cover the major concepts presented in the text. It also contains Internet resources at the end of each chapter.

Free Chapter - Using Tables and Graphs in Physics